I can't access online resources

When I click on a link to an article or ebook nothing happens/I get an error message. Is there anything I can try that will resolve this?


There might be a number of reasons you're having trouble accessing online resources. Try out the following: 

  • make sure you're using the correct log-in details for MyRCN
  • make sure your membership hasn't lapsed
  • check the article is not 'Citation only'. If it is this means it's from a journal we don't subscribe to, but we can source it from another library for you
  • check to see if the same problem happens with other resources, if it does try the step below, if it doesn't please let us know so we can fix the problem
  • try clearing cookies in your browser, or try accessing the resource via a different browser

If the above suggestions don't work and you still can't get access give us a call during opening hours (0345 337 3368) or send us an email with your membership number and contact details (rcn.library@rcn.org.uk) and we can look into this further for you.

  • Last Updated Mar 05, 2020
  • Views 140
  • Answered By Sarah Smith

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